With the release of a new album approaching, we sit down with Annabel Liddell of Miss June to talk 'Bad Luck Party', her passions & gender equality.

What was the inspiration behind the music and lyrics for your upcoming new album ‘Bad Luck Party’?

Bad Luck Party was written over the course of two years.. a lot of the songs are very personal to me. The songs are inspired by ex lovers, bad friends and lost family relations. But also framed through my experience in medicine and my experience as a woman.

There is a lot of emotive power in your music - where does that originate from?

I’m a very emotive person and always have been. I think this partly stems from my upbringing but also from my musical influence, which ranges from hardcore to folk/country. The underlying factor in all the music that has influenced me over the years is the emotion transmitted through sound.

You are not only a musician and performer but also a doctor and a skater! Do your passions and talents link or have a commonality for you?

My various passions often seem conflicting from the outset. But everything I do is integral to who I am, they truly do balance each other. Music is visceral and personal, whereas practicing medicine requires me to be so removed from my ego. I like to skate because I like the physicality of falling, the challenge of learning something new.

How do you find navigating the music scene and industry as a woman? Are there any particular challenges it presents and what do you do to overcome them?

The music industry is very much a male dominated industry and in a lot of ways is quite old school still. I think all women in music face the same challenges to do with sexism, oppression and silencing. However there are a lot of very strong female artists out there working to change this an ensure their voices are heard. I look up to many of these female bosses and draw a lot of strength from other women around me. I aim to have a lot of women on my team and often book support bands with an equal split in gender. I am openly bias in this sense.

Your music has a great sense of release and catharsis - do you find creating and performing cathartic?

Yes. Extremely cathartic. I hope that anyone listening or watching can feel this too.

Catch Annabel Liddell here, listen to Miss June here / Images by Simone Taylor, words by Elizabeth Milstead, threads by The Ninetynine & New Horror



