Get Familia with Kara

Astrophe sits down with Kara Otter – a romantic, nostalgia enthusiast, fashion designer, and business owner behind So Familia and Karameleon. In this conversation, Kara opens up about the importance of hard work, her experience with true love, and her passion for stretchy fabrics! Read more below:

Outside of your art form, where do you find inspiration?

Old Italian people's homes at the moment! So much OTT prints, fabrics and textures!!

Where do you think you get your personal power from?

I think coming from working class immigrant grandparents who came here with nothing and having to build everything from scratch has really instilled a hustle in me to work hard. 

What is your favourite space?

The beach! On a sunny day! 100.

Is there something you learnt early in your career that you have now disproved?

When I worked in fast fashion everything had to be commercial and borderline basic - not true! A lot of the talented designers we stock at so familia disprove that all the time!

Within your immediate circle of friends and family or chosen family who is your hero and why?

My partner, Julian. He puts up with my madness day in and day out and is always supportive! He's also the only person I know that is truly kind to the bone and would put everyone in front of himself.

What is your favourite textile at the moment?

EVERYTHING SUPER STRETCHY! Because it's getting me through pregnancy - particularly cotton lycra tees that hold my boobs. 

Is it possible to be an introvert in your industry?

HMMMMMMM! Yes, as long as the confidence is there OR get an extrovert business partner, OR get really good at writing emails…

What is your definition of the word success?

Creating a life you love and not working a job you hate for a company that goes against all your core values.

Do you have consistent or chaotic energy?

CHAOTIC, unfortunately.

If you could make up a trend based on all of your favourite things, what would it look like?

Clashing colourful prints with a touch of leopard always

Within your work, how much technology is too much?

Unfortunately it's always too much, I live on my phone and it is hard to shake.

Do you see design as different from art?

Yes I feel like with design you need to make money and with art, you usually have rich parents so you don't need to.


Who is on your dream collaboration list?

Pamela Anderson & Amy Taylor.

Are there any creatives you'd like to platform right now?

So many amazing young designers doing cool shit! A lot of them we have in store! For any that aren’t; hit us up!

If you could grant a wish for someone, who and what would it be?

End the god damn war.

What are you holding whilst posing for an oil painting?

My phone.

What do you own that you should throw out, but can’t?

My primary school sticker albums - Lisa Frank Forever.

People are coming over to dinner, what are you serving?

Loads of olives! Pasta & with more olives & cloudy apple juice.

If you could time travel, who are you visiting?

Myself in 2008 to keep my wardrobe - or maybe Freddie Mercury! 

You have a free plane ticket, where are you going?

Napoli for pizza with a quick stop in LA for the flea markets.

If you could change the end of any film what would it be and what would you change it to?

Jack surviving the sinking of the Titanic! Is there any other possible answer?

If you were an ice cream flavour, what would it be? 

Boysenberry swirl.

Have you ever experienced true love? 


If you could learn one new skill instantly, what would it be?

Surfing, speaking another language! Oh, and Skateboarding!

photographer @bygracie.s / styling @monicacamorales / makeup @laurentothmua / hair and stylist assist @hazelsherritt





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