Gold Fang — A Bold Exploration of Sound and Heritage

Gold Fang, celebrated as a trailblazer within the reggae landscape, effortlessly blends elements of dancehall, R&B, and trap. With his new single ‘D Road’, he plunges into a more ferocious dimension of his artistry.

This single adds to an impressive run of releases, including the slick ‘OTW’, the hip-hop infused ‘Replay’, and the funk-laden ‘Move Like This’. Each track threads together an expanding tapestry of Gold Fang’s discography, illustrating his unwavering commitment to his craft. With his Caribbean roots resonating through every beat, ‘D Road’ stands as a testament to Gold Fang’s burgeoning world of sound, teeming with personality and polished production.

We chatted all things inspiration, dream collaborators and spirit animals, see below:

Outside of your art form, where do you find inspiration?
Living life brings the best inspiration… Sometimes when I look for inspiration I don’t really find it but when I'm in the moment living, all of a sudden i feel really creative but I’ll say for me when i'm kickin’ it with like minded people or my bros that brings a lot of inspiration

Where do you think you get your personal power from?
Self belief
I don’t compare myself to anything… I compare stuff to me… Sometimes my art but myself personally, I believe that anybody can do anything when they put they’re minds to it there true power once you tap into that

What is your favourite space?
I’m still looking for that here….
My grandmas house for now I feel like I need to get back there ASAP

Is there something you learnt early in your career that you have now disproven?
Yes there’s a wide range of things, but I’ll say one - as musicians when ur in a space all the time that’s party environment it’s hard to find the balance
Us as musician’s need to take care of our minds and bodies

Within your immediate circle of friends and family or chosen family who is your hero and why?
Man my pops my hero he done did a lot with a whole lot of nothing…
My og paved the way for my family he’s somebody I look to for guidance

How much of a role do other musicians play in inspiring your work?
Probably like 10%  I try my best to stay me..
With a whole lot goin on rite now u just gotta know what works for u
For me I try to block out the noise

Is there a specific sonic theme, genre or instrument that you draw pure joy from?
Theres an old funk band called Kleeer… They have this one song called I still love you… Whatever world that is I’ll like to live there forever

How does visual aesthetic come to play in your work?
Now more than ever I feel like it’s important I’ve what’s been like make the music and that’s it but people want to see more of you that’s how u grow when people feel like they know you  and wanna be your friend I think it’s important so I’m working on making my stories better visually

What are the core values behind your art?
I gotta feel it that’s the most important thing
Once I feel it it’s a no brainer
No disrespect to any artist out there but sometimes you hear something and it don’t do anything…. But it also depends on the person

What would be your ultimate song to cover?
Damian Marley: Searching

Who is on your dream collaboration list?
• Damian Marley
• Skepta
• The dream
• Steel pulse
• Travis scott
The list is long but we’ll get there fashoo fashoo

If you could grant a wish for someone, who and what would it be?
I would wish success on and everlasting blessings. I mean I don’t know what the wish would be but that’s what I would wish for everyone

What are you holding whilst posing for an oil painting?
A spliff

What is your spirit animal?
Raccoons, I love them things I feel like they’re playful and just goofy animals but I also resonate strongly with the lion I think of myself as a king and I think that everyone should see that in themselves

What do you own that you should throw out, but can’t?
I’ve still got some airforces from Trinidad when I first came to this country
I hold it for sentimental value but it ain’t that deep, I should get rid of it haha

People are coming over to dinner, what are you serving?
Well if I could I would serve Trinidadian food
• Palau
• Roti
• Doubles
• Bake and shark

There’s a long list, but in Aus you're getting:
A steak and veggies or fish and veggies

If you could time travel, who are you visiting?
My grandma

You have a free plane ticket, where are you going?

Who are you taking on a date, and where are you going? (time travel is allowed)
I’ll take my moms on a date back to Japan she loves that place

If you could change the end of any film what would it be and what would you change it to?
I would change scarface. Y they do tony like that? Haha

Why do you think we are on planet earth at this time?
I think every soul has to pass through here, I can’t see it being this and that’s it, I feel like it’s a process or transit

If you were an ice cream flavour, what would it be?
I would be mango sorbet or pistachio ice cream

Have you ever experienced true love?
Yh… one time….
Oh well  

See more from Gold Fang here / Listen to ‘D Road’ here.



