AETHER Galaxy Goddess
Astrophe had the pleasure of chatting to Serwah, a high-rising trailblazer whoes impressive portfolio boasts collaborations with global icons such as Paris Hilton and Valentino, Serwah's creative prowess extends to groundbreaking experiences like a live motion capture event with Soft Centre at The Sydney Opera House. Additionally, she has graced the TEDx stage in Sydney, captivating audiences with her exploration of The Metaverse and Afrofuturism.
We got an insight into the layers of Serwah's creativity, personal journey, and the profound connection between her past and present and her distinctive views on the evolving landscape of art and design. Read more below.
Outside of your art form, where do you find inspiration?
A lot of my favourite pieces come to me in the moment. I don’t really plan out what I’m going to make. I just go on autopilot and let my subconscious take over. I’m constantly watching DVDs, and reading blogs with like 2 views from like 17 years ago I go to some of the furthest corners of the internet in search of new ideas. But I think ultimately it just comes from deep in my subconscious.
Where do you think you get your personal power from?
I think back to a time when I was homeless. It was my 13th birthday and I remember looking up at the stars in the park where I was sleeping in that night and trying to dream up who I hoped to be in the future. I’m very close to being that person I dreamed up almost 14 years ago today and that’s something I feel proud of.
What is your favourite space?
Aside from my studio - my bedroom or Giethoorn in the Netherlands.
What is your favourite colour?
What do you think your eyes pay most attention to?
Perhaps color. I have synesthesia which is great sometimes but a headache if I have to read or write.
What role does love play in your work?
There's definitely a bigger conversation I've been subconsciously communicating through my work and my music. Look at my avatars faces; heartbroken, lost, Survivors - yet alone. I've been pretty unlucky with love, which I've come to terms with as I have an outlet through my art which gives me strength and hope. I remember making a promise of sorts early in my music career that I would never write a love song but a couple of my lyrics I recently wrote for my band TBX are loosely based around 'love'.
Within your work, how much technology is too much, how much is not enough?
I think I’ve almost mastered the balance of tech. I consider myself a digital minimalist even though I carry at minimum 3 cellphones, 3 laptops and have over 20 computers and CRT tvs at my studio. To me, each piece of tech is for one use and one use only. I like to segment my life, to me it makes perfect sense in my head but everyone thinks I'm a delusional hoarder.
Oracles Square
Do you see design as different from art?
For sure. I can’t fully put it into words but design is a code to me, art breaks free from that sort of rigidity. As If design is morse code and art is the full collection of alphabets of all languages across time.
Where do you produce your favourite work?
I used to have a home studio, I’d just roll out of bed and get stuck into it. Now all my work is done at my studio in Parramatta. It’s like my second home I hardly spend anytime at my house anymore, I love making art there.
Is there a particular aesthetic that you are a complete sucker for?
Indie Sleaze. I was a teen during that era and those were some of the best times of my life so it’s extremely nostalgic.
In your opinion, how has the design / art industry evolved in the last decade?
Digital artists like myself have felt pretty left out and excluded from the industry for a very long time but its fantastic to see more institutions take us seriously in recent years.
Who is on your dream collaboration list?
Rihanna and Cannibal Corpse. At the same time on the same project.
Are there any creatives you'd like to platform right now?
Ghostboobss and Llainwire.
If you could grant a wish for someone, who and what would it be?
I’d love for my mum to be able to get a new sofa and a new house!
Funeral song(s)?
Battery by Metallica.
People are coming over to dinner, what are you serving?
Beef Jerky, an apple and a menthol cigarette.
Who are you taking on a date, and where are you going? (time travel is allowed)
Leonardo da Vinci perhaps, I feel like we’d get along well because we’d both either cancel the date or leave early so we can both go our seperate ways and go into hermit mode and make weird art by ourselves.
If you could change the end of any film what would it be and what would you change it to?
Gus Van Sants ‘Elephant’. Enough said.
What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?
I was on stage at the 2000’s Sydney Olympics opening playing in System of a Down and I hadn’t learnt all the songs on guitar so I was crying but I also had to use my laptop with one hand and 3D render at the same time. And then I got trapped inside Cinema 4D and woke up screaming
Have you ever experienced true love?
Unfortunately; yes.
If you could learn one new skill instantly, what would it be?
Probably carpentry or fixing a car.
If you’d like to join the workshop in Melbourne you can sign up here / See more from Serwah here.